Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Politics Round-Up

A few interesting things from around the net as we head into the last full week of the George W. Bush Administration. Whether you loved it or hated it, this is such an incredibly historic moment for so many reasons that everyone should take the next few seconds to reflect on it.........

From Gaza to the unemployment figures to the $10.6 trillion debt, things keep spiraling while W. keeps fiddling. Just as when he was in the National Guard and didn’t bother to show up, now, as the scabrous consequences of his missteps shake the economy and the world, he doesn’t bother to show up. He’s checked out — spending his time on more than a dozen exit interviews that do nothing to change his image as a president who was over his head and under Cheney’s spell.
  • Fred Barnes' piece in the Weekly Standard is so incredibly vacuous, I couldn't make it past the first page. It's a list of Bush's top 10 achievements. If you read it pretending it was written for David Letterman, it's actually quite funny.
  • Finally, the new guy is interviewed on ABC.

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