Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Probably Why Canada Should Be Proud

Oh Canada, our home and native land! Well not mine. But, somebody's.

In 1985 a one Kim Mitchell published a deep and reflective tune called "Go For a Soda." In this classic, he screams in the harmonized fashion of Boston, and other bad bands named after places, "Might as well go for a soda." Yes. We might as well... listen to a different song. But, surprisingly, this song gets heavy airplay in Canada to this day. Though, we must admit, that the song reached the coveted number 86 spot on the US Hot 100. Wow! Vanessa Carleton's "White Houses" also peaked at 86 in 2006! I didn't even know she recorded songs other than "A Thousand Miles," but alas.

The 80's was a rough time for a lot of music. It produced some pretty ugly things, but Canada seemed to take the cake. This country also produced Bryan Adam's Reggae Christmas. For more on this fascinating train wreck click here.

Note: I do not hate Canada. Many who know me might even say that I love Canada. Which is an overstatement of my feelings for Canada.

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