Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Moth

Recently I had the urge to become a great storyteller. That's probably because I finally I have some good stories to tell. That aside, I began to look for inspiration, clues, something that might help me understand. Because I just couldn't figure out what made some people great at telling stories and others (me) so bad at it. Then behold! An organization of storytellers. Enter: The Moth.

The Moth is an organization that was founded a few years ago in New York by a Georgian trying to recreate his childhood story telling enjoyment; summer nights on a porch with moths clinging to screens.

These stories are told by authors and regular people alike, and always in front a live audience. I've found these stories to be unbelievably entertaining, and the best part is, it's a podcast too!

You can check it out here.

For those out there who are around New York or LA, you can see one of these performances live. But beware, despite a total lack of advertising, the shows sell out very quickly and consistently.

Though I still don't think I'm a very good story-teller, I've definitely found a new source of entertainment and some inspiration as well.

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