Friday, June 26, 2009

My relationship with Michael Jackson


I was never in love with MJ. It may have been for the fact that I was a late 80's baby or never understood the hype, or thought he was a crazy looking child molester. Either way, he was an incredible artist, no matter how fucking bizarre he looked or acted. Remember that time he hung his child outside of that window in France? Or his relationship with Macaulay Culkin? I feel like this may sound like some falsified rumor attack on the King of Pop, but it's not, that shit actually happened!

When thinking about Micheal Jackson, the first thing that came to mind weren't any of those previously mentioned actions, but the complete opposite however. Weird Al, is what I thought of after hearing the words, MICHEAL JACKSON IS DEAD. When I was about five years old my uncle gave me a Weird Al album that featured songs about food. His rendition of "Beat It" entitled "Eat It" was my favorite song on the album, I had no idea that it was originally a Micheal Jackson song, but after I found out, was when I knew Micheal Jackson was a musical genius.

This is not the original music video.

Here is Chris Rock's thoughts on the man who owned all the rights to The Beatles catalog:

The funny thing is, I'll probably remember the exact place I was when I heard about Micheal for the rest of my life. I was in Brooklyn at my grandmothers house. Where were you?


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